"Seven times nothing" is the traditional origin of the name of this unusual town, a short distance from Ronda. It refers to the Moorish town repelling Christian invaders seven times (deriving from the Latin septem nihil) before eventually falling.
In an idle moment on the bus back, I decided that I didn't really buy this theory: a town is more likely to be renamed by the successful invader, who is hardly likely to celebrate the number of failures. But perhaps the town was spared the name Postremosic  ("finally, yes") which sounds a little like a prescription drug or medical condition of some sort.
Either way, the place is pretty unusual and, you would think, impregnable being largely built into and under solid granite rock.
As the town has expanded, houses have been built at different levels on the rock making quite an impressive vista.
The town is also known for its chorizo sausage and pork from pigs bred in the surrounding hills.  
I walked a lot in those hills and failed to see a single pig but I had lunch in the cafe/carneceria below, and greatly enjoyed a Jamón Ibérico Bocadillo, which is the closest to a pig I managed that day.
So, well worth a visit but a morning was quite sufficient to see the most interesting parts.  Then it was time to head back to Ronda to prepare for the next destination - Cádiz.
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